Acupuncture For Anxiety And Stress: Better Than Xanax

acupuncture for anxietyFeeling overwhelmed?  These days, we are constantly barraged with expectations, responsibilities, emails, text messages, phone calls, worries about the future, and much more on a daily basis.  As a consequence, quite a few people have great difficulty managing anxiety, stress and pressure. Doctors often prescribe medication, such as Xanax, to help these people cope with these unwanted stresses and anxiety.

Try Acupuncture Before Xanax

While there is no doubt that medication is the right remedy in some instances, many people have made great progress in dealing with their depression, stress and anxiety through alternative means.

Acupuncture Treatments

Kelly Ripa acupuncture
Celebrity Kelly Ripa getting an acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture entails using very thin, sterile, single-use needles to lightly penetrate the skin and stimulate various meridians of the body. (It feels nothing like getting a shot, by the way. In fact, most of the time the patients do not feel the needles.) The actual needles are scarcely thicker than a hair. Acupuncture was developed in China thousands of years ago as a way of balancing out the patient’s Qi, or “life force.” Acupuncture is still in use today because it works.  It works by stimulating the relevant acupuncture points (referred to as acu-points) to balance out the body’s Qi.

How Acupuncture works on anxiety and stress

When the body’s Qi is out of balance, this can lead to disorders and possibly disease. This imbalance can manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach distress, or mental symptoms such as anxiety and stress. External stress can force the patient’s Qi into imbalance as well, so the cause of the anxiety or stress can be internal or external, or both. Acupuncture can help balance the patient’s Qi, moderate energy levels and improve mood to provide a lasting calming effect. Acupuncture has few to no side effects. For those reasons, some people think acupuncture is better than Xanax. Herbal formulas can also be given to support and reinforce the effect of the acupuncture treatments.

If you are interested in finding out more about acupuncture for anxiety, read more of this blog and check out Laurie’s bio as an experienced Los Angeles acupuncturist, with her extensive western medical background as a certified health consultant and certified nurse practitioner combined with her acupuncture practice, Laurie Binder is your best choice for natural treatments for stress and anxiety.

Acupuncture for stress and anxiety works

celebrity acupunctureYou should do some research into choosing the right acupuncturist for you and Dr. Binder has the experience and track record to help you optimize your health. Traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture treatments can help you accomplish many things including managing stress as addressed above, improve natural fertility, improve energy and digestion, lose weight, quit smoking and more. Review her website at and read her CV and patient testimonials so you can see her experience and track record.

For information on Acupuncture and Wellness, you can contact Laurie at any time. Just click contact at the top of this blog. She would be happy to explain her approach to you and offer you any other background that will help you make your decision.

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