Katy Perry Uses Acupuncture for Ongoing Knee Pain

Katy Perry Uses Acupuncture for Knee PainCelebrities Use Acupuncture

Celebrities and acupuncture usually go together quite commonly nowadays, though it isn’t always public. Once in a while, you’ll see a celebrity who reveals in the media that she or he used acupuncture to keep their career going. A lot of times, we see athletes, though we also see actors and even musicians celebrating the procedure. For touring singers and musicians, the strain of touring easily wreaks havoc on the body in more ways than one.

celebrity acupunctureWe might not expect someone as young as Katy Perry to need acupuncture. Once you delve into the world of acupuncture, however, you’ll soon realize that many young people use acupuncture to treat injuries so they stay physically competitive in their careers. Perry, managed to suffer a knee injury as the result of overusing her body during physically demanding show tours.

We’ve seen evidence of this before with other pop stars who overuse their bodies from energetic body movements on stage every night. Perry cites herself as the near equivalent of an Olympic athlete since she has to traverse a massive stage that goes into the audience on her touring show. In that regard, she’s now taken on acupuncture as a way to address her constantly sore knee.

What kind of results can be expected? Here at Los Angeles Acupuncture and Wellness, we frequently treat people for knee injuries, and many of them have outstanding results. The treatments work directly on knee and also in tandem with the brain and the perception of pain. Evidence of this is available through the Arthritis Foundation.



Studies on Acupuncture Helping Knee Pain

acupuncture injury treatment
While acupuncture helps knee injuries, it also works beautifully on those who suffer osteoarthritis in the knee. The Arthritis Foundation points to a German study that said those who had osteoarthritis in their knees had improved function after 15 regular sessions. Some of this is can be attributed to the theory of how the brain cuts off pain perception when a needle gets placed into an acupuncture point. Tim Rhudy, a licensed acupuncturist in Ohio explains this on the Arthritis Foundation site. His quote:

“Brain magnetic resonance imaging shows that deep needling of acupuncture points deactivates the part of the brain that deals with our perception of pain.”

This may help people who have to keep using their knees every day in order to maintain their careers. With medical evidence available to show this success, celebrities will likely continue using acupuncture so they don’t have to live in pain or use pain medications.

When the media covers story about a celebrity like Katy Perry, it shows the world how notable people use acupuncture as an excellent method for managing pain and joint issues.

Acupuncture for Arthritis Knee Pain

Let us help you here at Los Angeles Acupuncture and Wellness. Contact us to find out how extensive our pain treatments are and how pain in any part of your body may soon feel better or be eliminated with acupuncture.

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